Terms of Use
NRI MARRIAGE BUREAU CORPORATION (referred to as "NRI") and (referred to as the "Client")
a. NRI is a Corporation with expertise in matchmaking, offering single adults the opportunity to be matched with other single adults.
b. NRI Marriage Bureau Prime Service is an enhanced matchmaking service.
c. The Client is a single adult who wishes to engage the services of NRI to assist in finding a suitable match.
d. In consideration of the mutual covenants, representations, warranties and agreements contained herein, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1.1 "Adult' means a person over the age of 18 years and not under any disability.
1.2 "Disability' where used in respect of a person means that a person is mentally incapable within the meaning of Section 6 or 45 of the Substitute Decisions Act of Ontario, or a person who is an absentee within the meaning of the Absentees Act of Ontario.
1.3 "Single" means that a person is not married, is not cohabiting with another person in a relationship that resembles marriage, and is not otherwise in a committed relationship with another person.
1.4 "Match" means a relationship between two persons in which each intends to strive to make the relationship permanent either by marriage, cohabitation or entering into a committed monogamous relationship with a suitor even if not cohabiting.
1.5 "Suitor'' means a person who is selected by NRI and is a potential candidate to become a match with the Client.
1.6 "Marriage" means the voluntary union for life of two individuals to the exclusion of all others, and includes where two individuals enter into a marriage that is voidable or void in good faith.
1.7 "Cohabit' means to live together in a conjugal or family relationship whether within or outside marriage.
Basic Terms:
2.1 The Client will review the terms of use of NRl's website and register if in agreement with those terms.
2.2 The Client will complete the registration process fairly and honestly, in the understanding that true, accurate, complete and current information is critical to the matchmaking process.
2.3 The Client will disclose his/her health records at the time of registration, including any pre-existing or current illness or physical or mental disability.
2.4 The Client will provide a photograph of himself/herself at the time of registration, which photograph shall not be more than 3 months old.
2.5 The Client may choose to appoint a person as his/her authorized representative to act as attorney under power of attorney for purposes of communication with NRI, and for that purpose, authorizes NRI to share all information respecting the Client with such representative.
2.6 The Client may revoke the appointment of the representative at any time by providing written notice to NRI.
2.7 NRI will provide individualized one-on-one Matchmaking Services to the Client.
2.8 NRI will conduct screening of the Client and of all potential suitors, including thorough interviews.
2.9 NRI will strive to tailor its searches for potential suitors to the Client's individual requirements.
2.10 NRI will diligently try to find the best available match for the Client.
2.11 NRI will showcase the profile of the Client on its website for the purpose of promoting his/her suitability to suitors, but will not disclose the name or other personal details of the Client, such as his/her address or telephone numbers.
2.12 NRI may place classified advertisements, derived from the Client's profile, in newspapers or on television or in any other media at the discretion of NRI, but will not disclose the name or other personal details of the Client such as his/her address or phone numbers.
2.13 When the Client shares personal information about himself/herself to NRI, he/she thereby authorizes NRI to use the information in different platforms to promote the profile of the Client.
2.14 Once NRI has identified a potential match, it will arrange a date with the Client and the suitor.
2.15 The Client and his/her representative, if any, shall bear the ultimate responsibility to verify the credentials of any suitor respecting such matters as family status, educational qualifications, financial status, occupation and general character.
2.16 Upon request, NRI can provide date coaching to assist the Client to become date and relationship ready. This service will be billed separately on an hourly basis.
2.17 NRI is not qualified and will not provide legal advice respecting issues of immigration or relocation to Canada.
3.1 You must provide accurate and complete information when registering.
3.2 You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login credentials designated during the registration process, and you are solely responsible for all activities that occur under your account.
3.3 You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized access/use of your account or any other security breach and ensure that you log out from your account at the end of each session.
3.4 You may not use the platform for commercial purposes or share other users’ information without their consent.
3.5 NRI reserves the right to terminate accounts that violate these terms.
3.6 NRI Marriage Bureau reserves the right to refuse or remove profiles that contain false or misleading information.
Duration of Contract:
4.1 This Agreement shall terminate 90 days after the date of commencement unless otherwise terminated in accordance with paragraph 8 hereunder.
5.Representations and Warranties of the Client:
5.1 The Client represents and warrants that he/she is a single adult.
5.2 The Client represents and warrants that he/she has never been convicted
of a criminal offence and is not required to be registered as a sex offender
with any government entity.
6.Change in Client Status:
6.1 The Client agrees to notify NRI of any changes to his/her personal status,
including change of address, telephone number(s), and status as a single
adult. Notice of any change must be submitted in writing or by email
within 5 business days of any change.
7. The Client's Agreement Respecting Conduct:
7.1 The Client shall not abuse, exploit or use NRl's services or the information
contained on the NRI website for any improper, immoral or illegal
purposes or for personal financial gain.
7.2 The Client shall refrain from harassing or stalking suitors or employees of
NRI, or any other person, either in person, electronic mail , online or otherwise.
7.3 The Client shall not assault or attempt to assault, or sexually interfere or
attempt to sexually interfere with, suitors or employees of NRI, or any
other person.
7.4 The Client shall not impersonate any other person.
7.5 The Client shall not make any statements which would imply that NRI is
endorsing his/her statements.
7.6 The Client shall respond to e-mails from NRI regarding potential matches
or profile and follow up questions in a prompt manner.
7.7 The Client shall place e-mails from NRI on his/her safe sender list to
prevent e-mails from going into his/her spam folder.
7 .8 The Client shall not enter into a financial relationship with a suitor prior to
a match.
7.9 The Client shall not post any inappropriate content on the NRI website.
7.10 The Client shall not use the services of NRI for immigration purposes or
merely to obtain entry into Canada or status in Canada.
Early Termination for Cause:
8.1 In the event of a breach by the Client of any agreement contained in
paragraph 7 above, NRI has the right to terminate the entire agreement
forthwith without notice and without refund of any payments made by the
Client to NRI pursuant to paragraph 4 above.
9. Accuracy of Information:
9.1 NRI does not warrant the accuracy or authenticity of the information
provided to it by the Client or by potential suitors.
10. Changes in Practice:
10.1 The Client agrees that NRI may, from time to time, in its sole and
absolute discretion, change or modify its procedures.
11. Transfer of Responsibility:
11.1 This Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by the Client to any
other individual.
12. Consent for Information Disclosure:
12.1 The Client authorizes NRI to use the information that the Client provides to
NRI for the purpose of performing its services to the Client, including
allowing it to provide all relevant information about the Client to suitors.
12.2 NRI will engage in various methods of communication with the Client to
receive updates, service information and other correspondence including
but not limited to face to face meetings, e-mail and telephone calls.
13. NRl's Proprietary Interests:
13.1 The Client acknowledges that NRI enjoys copyright respecting its website.
Apart from information posted by the Client, the balance of the content on
the website is the property of NRI. The Client agrees not to disseminate
content that is the property of NRI.
14. Disputes:
14.1 The Client is responsible for interactions between the Client and any
suitors or matches. NRI will not act as a monitor or mediator of disputes
between the Client and any suitors or matches.
15. Liability:
15.1 NRl's maximum liability to the Client for any cause of action (whether in
contract, tort, or otherwise) shall be limited to the return of the amounts
paid to NRI pursuant to paragraph 4 above.
15.2 The Client agrees to hold NRI harmless from any and all damages, claims,
causes of action, suits, demands and liabilities, including lawyer's fees,
that may arise from, relate to, or result from:
a. any inaccuracies or non-disclosures of information by the Client or any
suitors or matches; or
b. from any service provided by NRI; and/or
c. any action by the Client or any suitors or matches, whether during the
term of this Agreement or after the termination of this Agreement.
15.3 Under no circumstances will NRI be liable for any incidental,
consequential, or indirect damages, including physical injury and
emotional distress arising out of:
a. the use or inability to use the Website or the services of NRI;
b. the Client's interactions with any suitors or matches (including any
communications or meetings);
c. NRI providing services to the Client (including introduction services,
disclosing information about the Client to suitors or matches, and
making available to the Client information about suitors or matches);
d. reliance on information, opinion, advice, or statements, or other
content posted on the Website or transmitted to suitors or matches.
15.4 In no event will NRI be liable to the Client or any third person for any
indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special or punitive
damages, even if NRI has been advised of the possibility of such
15.5 NRI assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption,
deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line
failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, user
or Client communications.
15.6 In addition to the preceding paragraph and other provisions of this
Agreement, any advice that may be given regarding dating and the suitor
or match individual is for informational and entertainment purposes only
and is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional, financial,
medical, legal, or other advice.
15.7 NRI makes no representations or warranties and expressly disclaims any
and all liability concerning any treatment, action by, or effect on any
person following the information offered or provided. If the Client has
specific concerns or a situation arises in which he/she requires
professional or medical advice, the Client should consult with an
appropriately trained and qualified specialist.
16. Arbitration and Governing Law:
16.1 Arbitration Agreement: Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or
relating to this Agreement, including any question regarding its existence,
interpretation, validity, breach or termination, or the business relationship
created by it, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration at ADR
Chambers under the ADR Chambers Arbitration Rules. The place of
arbitration shall be the offices of ADR Chambers, at 180 Duncan Mills
Road, 4
th Floor, North York, Ontario, M3B 1Z6, or at such place in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, that ADR Chambers directs. There shall be
one arbitrator. The language of the arbitrator shall be English. An oral
hearing need not be held. There will be no appeal from the decision of the
arbitrator on questions of fact, law, or mixed fact and law.
16.2 This Agreement is the entire Agreement between the parties.
16.3 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the
Province of Ontario, Canada.
17.1 You must provide accurate and complete information when registering. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login credentials designated during the registration process, and you are solely responsible for all activities that occur under your account. You agree to immediately notify us of any unauthorized access/use of your account or any other security breach and ensure that you log out from your account at the end of each session. You may not use the platform for commercial purposes or share other users’ information without their consent. NRI reserves the right to terminate accounts that violate these terms. NRI Marriage Bureau reserves the right to refuse or remove profiles that contain false or misleading information.
18.1 By accepting these Terms, you consent to receive emails, phone calls, and text messages from NRI regarding matchmaking services.
18.2 NRI reserves the right to contact you at any time from the moment your profile is created until you provide written notice requesting to rescind contact.
18.3 This consent overrides any DNC registrations.
18.4 If you wish to revoke this consent, you must request cancellation in writing at [email protected]
18.5 NRI Marriage Bureau is not liable for any third-party misuse of shared communication
19. Once a client creates a profile they agree to all sections mentioned in this agreement from
Section1 to Section 19.